Sacred Evolution

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About Sacred Evolution
Welcome! We are glad you are here. Through a return to our awareness of the Sacred we can remember our purpose here, Evolution. The dictionary defines sacred as something "entitled to reverence and respect." Our planet, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we walk on, the connection with ourselves, the connection with our friends, families, and loves. All of this is Sacred, and by coming back, by honoring these elements, we can understand our purpose in this Evolution.
The new paradigm for humanity is based in a sharing economy, for as we all give, we all receive. In this way we spread the wealth and offer opportunities for those less fortunate to have access to the care and services they need. This is an opportunity to receive some guidance, meditation and music and tune in to it's value below and give an offering and gift to yourself. 😊
Gift and Support

Guidance along the way
*All offerings are based on the gift - See the Gift-Based Page for details.